Well, it has been an excellent week. We got Issue 1 up on Amazon, this proved to be quite a learning experience. Finally, after 3 or 4 revisions we now know how to use the publishing site, update the description and get it priced at $0.99.
Click here to buy it for $0.99.
Alot of people have expressed interest in reading the book but don't know how to get it if they don't have a kindle. Here is how you do it, there are many options. Go and try these things, really, you will be impressed with the kindle software I promise. You will also have access to much cheaper books.
Use this handy guide to set yourself up nicely to take advantage of ebooks on Amazon:
1. Download Kindle for PC, you can then use it to read any kindle book on any PC (or get Kindle for Mac if you are an Apple person),
2. Get Kindle for your phone (iPhone, or other),
3. Get Kindle for your iPad or tablet,
4. Go to http://www.shelfari.com/ you can read the first chapter of most books for free (online),
5. Wait for the iBooks, Kobo, BookNook version to be released via Smashwords (I'm working on it),
6. Wait for the printed version (likely to be around $9.99), I'm working on that too.
One of the great things about kindle is that you can share your 'library' amongst your devices, each of them will know where you are up to in any particular book. My personal favourite methods are to use the Kindle for PC at home and on the iPad on the plane or when travelling.
Thanks for reading,
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