22 May 2011

Sunny Days and Book Covers......

Hi All,
          Well, the sun is shining here in Stockholm which is a perfect opportunity for a BBQ - we will have some friends around for one this afternoon. We have been lucky with BBQs. The New Zealand embassy moved out of Sweden last year, our kiwi friends Nick and Rachael were kind enough to offer us their gas BBQ. So much easier to use than heating up coals! I'll try to get a picture for next time. It might be a good time to take a photo because I have just mowed the lawn (or rather, tended to my lawn full of weeds).

A while ago I mentioned that we were on holidays in the UK. Toni, the kids and I went to Axminster (Devon) which is about 2 hours further South than Stonhenge. Our original aim was to go and find some sun but also to relax in some green countryside after a long winter in Sweden. Well, we got that, and more. It was 25-27 degrees everyday, beautiful sunny days, not a cloud to be seen.

Stonehenge was pretty amazing. We ended up going twice because on the first day we were so excited that we forgot to put the SD card in the camera. Well, this is a polite way of blame-sharing so that nobody thinks it was Toni who forgot :)

Book Update
So, we have been getting alot of sun which is great. If you are wondering why this is a recurring theme for me then you should spend a winter in Stockholm (and also try to time your visit so that it coincides with the coldest winter in 100 years). It hasn't been all sun here in Stockholm since we got back. I took the opportunity during the last rainy weekend day to have a play with some new cover images for the book.

I like the one in the middle at the top right now. The current image is the bottom left. We need to decide on one before the book goes to print (right now we are only on Amazon for Kindle in electronic format) and then it is easy to change but not that desirable. The proof copy of the manuscript is under review right now, maybe you will see Five Ideas in bookshops in a few months. Tell me what you think of the drawings. We also need to keep in mind that the 5 covers need to be related but slightly different. Here is a working concept:

Things have gone pretty well in the first week, I took a few days off from book stuff but it has still been busy. Still getting things set up like author pages at the various websites and things like this, the $0.99 offer has been very popular so we will just leave it like that for now - the more people who can find and read the book the better!

I had an interview with a magazine last week who want to feature the book. That was a bit of fun - it gets released on Monday so we will see how it looks. We were also fortunate enough to get a review by one of the top 25 reviewers at Amazon "Reviews by Rebecca", she awarded us 5 stars! I was very flaterred by the write-up which you can find on the books sales page at Amazon (just click on the links to the right of the page).

Thanks for reading.


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PPS    Buy my book for $0.99 - use the links on the right of the page to go to Amazon and get it.
PPPS  Don't have a Kindle? Don't worry - look at my last post to find a bunch of ways to get e-books from Amazon.
PPPPS   Go and vote on the poll over to the right, 8 days left!